



但是,光找國家名稱眼睛都看到脫窗了 。


以下修改方法適用於Opencart v1.5.1.3


  1. 分別編輯以下檔案:
    • [catalog/view/theme/default/template/account/address_form.tpl]
    • [catalog/view/theme/default/template/account/register.tpl]
    • [catalog/view/theme/default/template/affiliate/edit.tpl]
    • [catalog/view/theme/default/template/affiliate/register.tpl]
    • [catalog/view/theme/default/template/checkout/address.tpl]
    • [catalog/view/theme/default/template/checkout/guest.tpl]
    • [catalog/view/theme/default/template/checkout/guest_shipping.tpl]
    • [catalog/view/theme/default/template/checkout/register.tpl ]
    • [catalog/view/theme/default/template/total/shipping.tpl]
  2. 搜索以下程式碼:
    <?php foreach ($countries as $country) { ?>
                  <?php if ($country['country_id'] == $country_id) { ?>
                  <option value="<?php echo $country['country_id']; ?>" selected="selected"><?php echo $country['name']; ?></option>
                  <?php } else { ?>
                  <option value="<?php echo $country['country_id']; ?>"><?php echo $country['name']; ?></option>
                  <?php } ?>
                  <?php } ?>
  3. 將以上程式碼替換為以下程式碼:
    <?php $countries_sort_by_continent=array(
      array( 'name' => 'Asia','iso_code_2' => array(
      "AF" /*Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of阿富汗伊斯蘭共和國*/ ,
      "AZ" /*Azerbaijan, Republic of阿塞拜疆共和國*/ ,
      "BH" /*Bahrain, Kingdom of巴林王國*/ ,
      "BD" /*Bangladesh, People's Republic of孟加拉國*/ ,
      "AM" /*Armenia, Republic of亞美尼亞共和國*/ ,
      "BT" /*Bhutan, Kingdom of不丹王國*/ ,
      "IO" /*British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago)英屬印度洋領地(查戈斯群島)*/ ,
      "BN" /*Brunei Darussalam汶萊*/ ,
      "MM" /*Myanmar, Union of緬甸聯盟*/ ,
      "KH" /*Cambodia, Kingdom of柬埔寨王國*/ ,
      "LK" /*Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of斯里蘭卡民主社會主義共和國*/ ,
      "CN" /*China, People's Republic of中華人民共和國*/ ,
      "TW" /*Taiwan台灣*/ ,
      "CX" /*Christmas Island聖誕島*/ ,
      "CC" /*Cocos (Keeling) Islands科科斯(基林)群島*/ ,
      "CY" /*Cyprus, Republic of塞浦路斯共和國*/ ,
      "GE" /*Georgia格魯吉亞*/ ,
      "PS" /*Palestinian Territory, Occupied被佔巴勒斯坦領土*/ ,
      "HK" /*Hong Kong 香港*/ ,
      "IN" /*India, Republic of印度共和國*/ ,
      "ID" /*Indonesia, Republic of印度尼西亞共和國*/ ,
      "IR" /*Iran, Islamic Republic of伊朗伊斯蘭共和國*/ ,
      "IQ" /*Iraq, Republic of伊拉克共和國*/ ,
      "IL" /*Israel, State of以色列*/ ,
      "JP" /*Japan日本*/ ,
      "KZ" /*Kazakhstan, Republic of哈薩克斯坦共和國*/ ,
      "JO" /*Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of約旦哈希姆王國*/ ,
      "KP" /*Korea, Democratic People's Republic of朝鮮民主主義人民共和國*/ ,
      "KR" /*Korea, Republic of大韓民國*/ ,
      "KW" /*Kuwait, State of科威特國家*/ ,
      "KG" /*Kyrgyz Republic吉爾吉斯共和國*/ ,
      "LA" /*Lao People's Democratic Republic老撾人民民主共和國*/ ,
      "LB" /*Lebanon, Lebanese Republic黎巴嫩*/ ,
      "MO" /*Macao 澳門*/ ,
      "MY" /*Malaysia馬來西亞*/ ,
      "MV" /*Maldives, Republic of馬爾代夫共和國*/ ,
      "MN" /*Mongolia蒙古*/ ,
      "OM" /*Oman, Sultanate of阿曼蘇丹國*/ ,
      "NP" /*Nepal, State of尼泊爾國家*/ ,
      "PK" /*Pakistan, Islamic Republic of巴基斯坦伊斯蘭共和國*/ ,
      "PH" /*Philippines, Republic of the菲律賓共和國*/ ,
      "TL" /*Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of東帝汶民主共和國*/ ,
      "QA" /*Qatar, State of卡塔爾*/ ,
      "RU" /*Russian Federation俄羅斯聯邦*/ ,
      "SA" /*Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of沙特阿拉伯王國*/ ,
      "SG" /*Singapore, Republic of新加坡*/ ,
      "VN" /*Vietnam, Socialist Republic of越南社會主義共和國*/ ,
      "SY" /*Syrian Arab Republic阿拉伯敘利亞共和國*/ ,
      "TJ" /*Tajikistan, Republic of塔吉克斯坦共和國*/ ,
      "TH" /*Thailand, Kingdom of 泰國*/ ,
      "AE" /*United Arab Emirates阿拉伯聯合酋長國*/ ,
      "TR" /*Turkey, Republic of土耳其共和國*/ ,
      "TM" /*Turkmenistan土庫曼斯坦*/ ,
      "UZ" /*Uzbekistan, Republic of烏茲別克斯坦共和國*/ ,
      "YE" /*Yemen也門*/)
      ),array( 'name' => 'Europe','iso_code_2' => array(
      "AL" /*Albania, Republic of阿爾巴尼亞共和國*/ ,
      "AD" /*Andorra, Principality of安道​​爾公國的*/ ,
      "AZ" /*Azerbaijan, Republic of阿塞拜疆共和國*/ ,
      "AT" /*Austria, Republic of奧地利共和國*/ ,
      "AM" /*Armenia, Republic of亞美尼亞共和國*/ ,
      "BE" /*Belgium, Kingdom of比利時王國*/ ,
      "BA" /*Bosnia and Herzegovina波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那*/ ,
      "BG" /*Bulgaria, Republic of保加利亞共和國*/ ,
      "BY" /*Belarus, Republic of白俄羅斯共和國*/ ,
      "HR" /*Croatia, Republic of克羅地亞*/ ,
      "CY" /*Cyprus, Republic of塞浦路斯共和國*/ ,
      "CZ" /*Czech Republic捷克共和國*/ ,
      "DK" /*Denmark, Kingdom of丹麥王國*/ ,
      "EE" /*Estonia, Republic of愛沙尼亞共和國*/ ,
      "FO" /*Faroe Islands法羅群島*/ ,
      "FI" /*Finland, Republic of芬蘭共和國*/ ,
      "AX" /*Åland Islands奧蘭群島*/ ,
      "FR" /*France, French Republic法國*/ ,
      "GE" /*Georgia格魯吉亞*/ ,
      "DE" /*Germany, Federal Republic of德意志聯邦共和國*/ ,
      "GI" /*Gibraltar直布羅陀*/ ,
      "GR" /*Greece, Hellenic Republic希臘*/ ,
      "VA" /*Holy See (Vatican City State)羅馬教廷(梵蒂岡城國)*/ ,
      "HU" /*Hungary, Republic of匈牙利共和國*/ ,
      "IS" /*Iceland, Republic of冰島共和國*/ ,
      "IE" /*Ireland愛爾蘭*/ ,
      "IT" /*Italy, Italian Republic意大利*/ ,
      "KZ" /*Kazakhstan, Republic of哈薩克斯坦共和國*/ ,
      "LV" /*Latvia, Republic of拉脫維亞共和國*/ ,
      "LI" /*Liechtenstein, Principality of列支敦士登公國的*/ ,
      "LT" /*Lithuania, Republic of立陶宛共和國*/ ,
      "LU" /*Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of盧森堡大公國*/ ,
      "MT" /*Malta, Republic of馬耳他共和國*/ ,
      "MC" /*Monaco, Principality of摩納哥公國的*/ ,
      "MD" /*Moldova, Republic of摩爾多瓦共和國*/ ,
      "ME" /*Montenegro, Republic of黑山共和國*/ ,
      "NL" /*Netherlands, Kingdom of the荷蘭王國*/ ,
      "NO" /*Norway, Kingdom of挪威王國*/ ,
      "PL" /*Poland, Republic of波蘭共和國*/ ,
      "PT" /*Portugal, Portuguese Republic葡萄牙*/ ,
      "RO" /*Romania羅馬尼亞*/ ,
      "RU" /*Russian Federation俄羅斯聯邦*/ ,
      "SM" /*San Marino, Republic of聖馬力諾共和國*/ ,
      "RS" /*Serbia, Republic of塞爾維亞共和國*/ ,
      "SK" /*Slovakia (Slovak Republic)斯洛伐克(斯洛伐克共和國)*/ ,
      "SI" /*Slovenia, Republic of斯洛文尼亞共和國*/ ,
      "ES" /*Spain, Kingdom of西班牙王國*/ ,
      "SJ" /*Svalbard , Jan Mayen Islands斯瓦爾巴群島和揚馬​​延島*/ ,
      "SE" /*Sweden, Kingdom of瑞典王國*/ ,
      "CH" /*Switzerland, Swiss Confederation瑞士*/ ,
      "TR" /*Turkey, Republic of土耳其共和國*/ ,
      "UA" /*Ukraine烏克蘭*/ ,
      "MK" /*Macedonia, Republic of馬其頓共和國*/ ,
      "GB" /*United Kingdom of Great Britain , Northern Ireland大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國*/ ,
      "GG" /*Guernsey, Bailiwick of根西島*/ ,
      "JE" /*Jersey, Bailiwick of 澤西島*/ ,
      "IM" /*Isle of Man馬恩島*/)
      ),array( 'name' => 'North America','iso_code_2' => array(
      "AG" /*Antigua and Barbuda安提瓜和巴布達*/ ,
      "BS" /*Bahamas, Commonwealth of the巴哈馬,英聯邦*/ ,
      "BB" /*Barbados巴巴多斯*/ ,
      "BM" /*Bermuda百慕大*/ ,
      "BZ" /*Belize伯利茲*/ ,
      "VG" /*British Virgin Islands英屬維爾京群島*/ ,
      "CA" /*Canada加拿大*/ ,
      "KY" /*Cayman Islands開曼群島*/ ,
      "CR" /*Costa Rica, Republic of哥斯達黎加共和國*/ ,
      "CU" /*Cuba, Republic of古巴共和國*/ ,
      "DM" /*Dominica, Commonwealth of多米尼加聯邦*/ ,
      "DO" /*Dominican Republic多米尼加共和國*/ ,
      "SV" /*El Salvador, Republic of薩爾瓦多共和國*/ ,
      "GL" /*Greenland格陵蘭*/ ,
      "GD" /*Grenada格林納達*/ ,
      "GP" /*Guadeloupe瓜德羅普島*/ ,
      "GT" /*Guatemala, Republic of危地馬拉共和國*/ ,
      "HT" /*Haiti, Republic of海地共和國*/ ,
      "HN" /*Honduras, Republic of洪都拉斯共和國*/ ,
      "JM" /*Jamaica牙買加*/ ,
      "MQ" /*Martinique馬提尼克島*/ ,
      "MX" /*Mexico, United Mexican States墨西哥*/ ,
      "MS" /*Montserrat蒙特塞拉特*/ ,
      "AN" /*Netherlands Antilles荷屬安的列斯*/ ,
      "CW" /*Curaçao庫拉索島*/ ,
      "AW" /*Aruba阿魯巴*/ ,
      "SX" /*Sint Maarten (Netherlands)聖馬丁島(荷蘭)*/ ,
      "BQ" /*Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba博內爾島*/ ,
      "NI" /*Nicaragua, Republic of尼加拉瓜共和國*/ ,
      "UM" /*United States Minor Outlying Islands美國本土外小島嶼*/ ,
      "PA" /*Panama, Republic of巴拿馬共和國*/ ,
      "PR" /*Puerto Rico, Commonwealth of波多黎各聯邦*/ ,
      "BL" /*Saint Barthelemy聖巴泰勒米*/ ,
      "KN" /*Saint Kitts and Nevis, Federation of聖基茨和尼維斯聯邦*/ ,
      "AI" /*Anguilla安圭拉*/ ,
      "LC" /*Saint Lucia聖盧西亞*/ ,
      "MF" /*Saint Martin聖馬丁*/ ,
      "PM" /*Saint Pierre and Miquelon聖皮埃爾和密克隆*/ ,
      "VC" /*Saint Vincent and the Grenadines聖文森特和格林納丁斯*/ ,
      "TT" /*Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of特里尼達和多巴哥共和國*/ ,
      "TC" /*Turks and Caicos Islands特克斯和凱科斯群島*/ ,
      "US" /*United States of America美國美國*/ ,
      "VI" /*United States Virgin Islands美屬維爾京群島*/)
      ),array( 'name' => 'Oceania','iso_code_2' => array(
      "AS" /*American Samoa美屬薩摩亞*/ ,
      "AU" /*Australia, Commonwealth of澳大利亞聯邦*/ ,
      "SB" /*Solomon Islands所羅門群島*/ ,
      "CK" /*Cook Islands庫克群島*/ ,
      "FJ" /*Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands斐濟*/ ,
      "PF" /*French Polynesia法屬波利尼西亞*/ ,
      "KI" /*Kiribati, Republic of基里巴斯共和國*/ ,
      "GU" /*Guam關島*/ ,
      "NR" /*Nauru, Republic of瑙魯*/ ,
      "NC" /*New Caledonia新喀裡多尼亞*/ ,
      "VU" /*Vanuatu, Republic of瓦努阿圖共和國*/ ,
      "NZ" /*New Zealand新西蘭*/ ,
      "NU" /*Niue紐埃*/ ,
      "NF" /*Norfolk Island諾福克島*/ ,
      "MP" /*Northern Mariana Islands, Commonwealth of the北馬里亞納群島,英聯邦*/ ,
      "UM" /*United States Minor Outlying Islands美國本土外小島嶼*/ ,
      "FM" /*Micronesia, Federated States of密克羅尼西亞聯邦*/ ,
      "MH" /*Marshall Islands, Republic of the馬紹爾群島共和國*/ ,
      "PW" /*Palau, Republic of帕勞共和國*/ ,
      "PG" /*Papua New Guinea, Independent State of巴布亞新幾內亞獨立國*/ ,
      "PN" /*Pitcairn Islands皮特凱恩群島*/ ,
      "TK" /*Tokelau托克勞*/ ,
      "TO" /*Tonga, Kingdom of湯加王國*/ ,
      "TV" /*Tuvalu圖瓦盧*/ ,
      "WF" /*Wallis and Futuna瓦利斯群島和富圖納群島*/ ,
      "WS" /*Samoa, Independent State of薩摩亞獨立國*/)
      ),array( 'name' => 'South America','iso_code_2' => array(
      "AR" /*Argentina, Argentine Republic阿根廷*/ ,
      "BO" /*Bolivia, Republic of玻利維亞共和國*/ ,
      "BR" /*Brazil, Federative Republic of巴西聯邦共和國*/ ,
      "CL" /*Chile, Republic of智利共和國*/ ,
      "CO" /*Colombia, Republic of哥倫比亞共和國*/ ,
      "EC" /*Ecuador, Republic of厄瓜多爾共和國*/ ,
      "FK" /*Falkland Islands (Malvinas)福克蘭群島(馬爾維納斯)*/ ,
      "GF" /*French Guiana法屬圭亞那*/ ,
      "GY" /*Guyana, Co-operative Republic of圭亞那合作共和國*/ ,
      "PY" /*Paraguay, Republic of巴拉圭共和國*/ ,
      "PE" /*Peru, Republic of秘魯共和國*/ ,
      "SR" /*Suriname, Republic of蘇里南共和國*/ ,
      "UY" /*Uruguay, Eastern Republic of烏拉圭東岸共和國*/ ,
      "VE" /*Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of委內瑞拉玻利瓦爾共和國*/ )
      ),array( 'name' => 'Africa','iso_code_2' => array(
      "DZ" /*Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of阿爾及利亞人民民主共和國*/ ,
      "AO" /*Angola, Republic of安哥拉共和國*/ ,
      "BW" /*Botswana, Republic of博茨瓦納共和國*/ ,
      "BI" /*Burundi, Republic of布隆迪共和國*/ ,
      "CM" /*Cameroon, Republic of喀麥隆共和國*/ ,
      "CV" /*Cape Verde, Republic of佛得角共和國*/ ,
      "CF" /*Central African Republic中非共和國*/ ,
      "TD" /*Chad, Republic of乍得共和國*/ ,
      "KM" /*Comoros, Union of the科摩羅聯盟*/ ,
      "YT" /*Mayotte馬約特島*/ ,
      "CG" /*Congo, Republic of the剛果共和國*/ ,
      "CD" /*Congo, Democratic Republic of the剛果民主共和國*/ ,
      "BJ" /*Benin, Republic of貝寧共和國*/ ,
      "GQ" /*Equatorial Guinea, Republic of赤道幾內亞共和國*/ ,
      "ET" /*Ethiopia, Federal Democratic Republic of埃塞俄比亞聯邦民主共和國*/ ,
      "ER" /*Eritrea, State of厄立特里亞國家*/ ,
      "DJ" /*Djibouti, Republic of吉布提共和國*/ ,
      "GA" /*Gabon, Gabonese Republic加蓬*/ ,
      "GM" /*Gambia, Republic of the岡比亞共和國*/ ,
      "GH" /*Ghana, Republic of加納共和國*/ ,
      "GN" /*Guinea, Republic of幾內亞共和國*/ ,
      "CI" /*Cote d'Ivoire, Republic of科特迪瓦共和國*/ ,
      "KE" /*Kenya, Republic of肯尼亞共和國*/ ,
      "LS" /*Lesotho, Kingdom of萊索托王國*/ ,
      "LR" /*Liberia, Republic of利比里亞共和國*/ ,
      "LY" /*Libyan Arab Jamahiriya阿拉伯利比亞民眾國*/ ,
      "MG" /*Madagascar, Republic of馬達加斯加共和國*/ ,
      "MW" /*Malawi, Republic of馬拉維共和國*/ ,
      "ML" /*Mali, Republic of馬里共和國*/ ,
      "MR" /*Mauritania, Islamic Republic of毛里塔尼亞伊斯蘭共和國*/ ,
      "MU" /*Mauritius, Republic of毛里求斯共和國*/ ,
      "MA" /*Morocco, Kingdom of摩洛哥王國*/ ,
      "MZ" /*Mozambique, Republic of莫桑比克共和國*/ ,
      "NA" /*Namibia, Republic of納米比亞共和國*/ ,
      "NE" /*Niger, Republic of尼日爾共和國*/ ,
      "NG" /*Nigeria, Federal Republic of尼日利亞聯邦共和國*/ ,
      "GW" /*Guinea-Bissau, Republic of幾內亞比紹共和國*/ ,
      "RE" /*Reunion留尼旺島*/ ,
      "RW" /*Rwanda, Republic of盧旺達共和國*/ ,
      "SH" /*Saint Helena聖赫勒拿*/ ,
      "ST" /*Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of聖多美與普林西比民主共和國*/ ,
      "SN" /*Senegal, Republic of塞內加爾共和國*/ ,
      "SC" /*Seychelles, Republic of塞舌爾共和國*/ ,
      "SL" /*Sierra Leone, Republic of塞拉利昂共和國*/ ,
      "SO" /*Somalia, Somali Republic索馬里*/ ,
      "ZA" /*South Africa, Republic of南非共和國*/ ,
      "ZW" /*Zimbabwe, Republic of津巴布韋共和國*/ ,
      "SS" /*South Sudan南蘇丹*/ ,
      "EH" /*Western Sahara西撒哈拉*/ ,
      "SD" /*Sudan, Republic of蘇丹共和國*/ ,
      "SZ" /*Swaziland, Kingdom of斯威士蘭王國*/ ,
      "TG" /*Togo, Togolese Republic多哥*/ ,
      "TN" /*Tunisia, Tunisian Republic突尼斯*/ ,
      "UG" /*Uganda, Republic of烏干達共和國*/ ,
      "EG" /*Egypt, Arab Republic of埃及*/ ,
      "TZ" /*Tanzania, United Republic of坦桑尼亞聯合共和國*/ ,
      "BF" /*Burkina Faso布基納法索*/ ,
      "ZM" /*Zambia, Republic of贊比亞共和國*/)
      ),array( 'name' => 'Antarctica','iso_code_2' => array(
      "AQ" /*Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S)南極洲*/ ,
      "BV" /*Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya)布維島*/ ,
      "GS" /*South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands南喬治亞島和南桑威奇群島*/ ,
      "TF" /*French Southern Territories法國南部領土*/ ,
      "HM" /*Heard Island and McDonald Islands赫德島和麥當勞群島*/ )
      <?php foreach ($countries_sort_by_continent as $continent_name) {  ?>
      <optgroup label="<?php echo $continent_name['name']; ?>">
      <?php foreach ($countries as $country) { 
      if (in_array($country['iso_code_2'],$continent_name['iso_code_2'])) { ?>
      <option value="<?php echo $country['country_id']; ?>"<?php if ($country['country_id'] == $country_id) { ?> selected="selected"<?php } ?>
      style="background: url('image/flags/<?php echo strtolower($country['iso_code_2']); ?>.png') center right no-repeat;">
    <?php echo $country['name']; ?></option>
      <?php } } ?>
      <?php } ?>
      <option value="236">Other Area</option>





&#60;!--<br />
Make sure that you have properly installed Opencart vQmod.<br />
Copy this page of script.<br />
Save as a .xml file of utf-8 encoding without BOM into the directory [vqmod/xml].<br />
Name the file as you like.<br />
&lt;?xml version=&#34;1.0&#34; encoding=&#34;utf-8&#34;?&gt;
 &lt;id&gt;List of Countries by continents&lt;/id&gt;
 &lt;author&gt;Flexidigi Solution Ltd.&lt;/author&gt;
 &lt;file name=&#34;catalog/view/theme/default/template/account/register.tpl&#34;&gt;</pre>
<pre id="repeat_content">
    &lt;operation error=&#34;skip&#34;&gt;
      &lt;search position=&#34;replace&#34;&gt;&lt;![CDATA[&lt;?php foreach ($countries as $country) { ?&gt;]]&gt;&lt;/search&gt;
      &lt;add&gt;&lt;![CDATA[ &lt;!--
    &lt;?php $countries_sort_by_continent=array(
array( &#39;name&#39; =&gt; &#39;Asia&#39;,&#39;iso_code_2&#39; =&gt; array(&#34;AF&#34; /*Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of阿富汗伊斯蘭共和國*/ ,
&#34;AZ&#34; /*Azerbaijan, Republic of阿塞拜疆共和國*/ ,
&#34;BH&#34; /*Bahrain, Kingdom of巴林王國*/ ,
&#34;BD&#34; /*Bangladesh, People&#39;s Republic of孟加拉國*/ ,
&#34;AM&#34; /*Armenia, Republic of亞美尼亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;BT&#34; /*Bhutan, Kingdom of不丹王國*/ ,
&#34;IO&#34; /*British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago)英屬印度洋領地(查戈斯群島)*/ ,
&#34;BN&#34; /*Brunei Darussalam汶萊*/ ,
&#34;MM&#34; /*Myanmar, Union of緬甸聯盟*/ ,
&#34;KH&#34; /*Cambodia, Kingdom of柬埔寨王國*/ ,
&#34;LK&#34; /*Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of斯里蘭卡民主社會主義共和國*/ ,
&#34;CN&#34; /*China, People&#39;s Republic of中華人民共和國*/ ,
&#34;TW&#34; /*Taiwan台灣*/ ,
&#34;CX&#34; /*Christmas Island聖誕島*/ ,
&#34;CC&#34; /*Cocos (Keeling) Islands科科斯(基林)群島*/ ,
&#34;CY&#34; /*Cyprus, Republic of塞浦路斯共和國*/ ,
&#34;GE&#34; /*Georgia格魯吉亞*/ ,
&#34;PS&#34; /*Palestinian Territory, Occupied被佔巴勒斯坦領土*/ ,
&#34;HK&#34; /*Hong Kong 香港*/ ,
&#34;IN&#34; /*India, Republic of印度共和國*/ ,
&#34;ID&#34; /*Indonesia, Republic of印度尼西亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;IR&#34; /*Iran, Islamic Republic of伊朗伊斯蘭共和國*/ ,
&#34;IQ&#34; /*Iraq, Republic of伊拉克共和國*/ ,
&#34;IL&#34; /*Israel, State of以色列*/ ,
&#34;JP&#34; /*Japan日本*/ ,
&#34;KZ&#34; /*Kazakhstan, Republic of哈薩克斯坦共和國*/ ,
&#34;JO&#34; /*Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of約旦哈希姆王國*/ ,
&#34;KP&#34; /*Korea, Democratic People&#39;s Republic of朝鮮民主主義人民共和國*/ ,
&#34;KR&#34; /*Korea, Republic of大韓民國*/ ,
&#34;KW&#34; /*Kuwait, State of科威特國家*/ ,
&#34;KG&#34; /*Kyrgyz Republic吉爾吉斯共和國*/ ,
&#34;LA&#34; /*Lao People&#39;s Democratic Republic老撾人民民主共和國*/ ,
&#34;LB&#34; /*Lebanon, Lebanese Republic黎巴嫩*/ ,
&#34;MO&#34; /*Macao 澳門*/ ,
&#34;MY&#34; /*Malaysia馬來西亞*/ ,
&#34;MV&#34; /*Maldives, Republic of馬爾代夫共和國*/ ,
&#34;MN&#34; /*Mongolia蒙古*/ ,
&#34;OM&#34; /*Oman, Sultanate of阿曼蘇丹國*/ ,
&#34;NP&#34; /*Nepal, State of尼泊爾國家*/ ,
&#34;PK&#34; /*Pakistan, Islamic Republic of巴基斯坦伊斯蘭共和國*/ ,
&#34;PH&#34; /*Philippines, Republic of the菲律賓共和國*/ ,
&#34;TL&#34; /*Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of東帝汶民主共和國*/ ,
&#34;QA&#34; /*Qatar, State of卡塔爾*/ ,
&#34;RU&#34; /*Russian Federation俄羅斯聯邦*/ ,
&#34;SA&#34; /*Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of沙特阿拉伯王國*/ ,
&#34;SG&#34; /*Singapore, Republic of新加坡*/ ,
&#34;VN&#34; /*Vietnam, Socialist Republic of越南社會主義共和國*/ ,
&#34;SY&#34; /*Syrian Arab Republic阿拉伯敘利亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;TJ&#34; /*Tajikistan, Republic of塔吉克斯坦共和國*/ ,
&#34;TH&#34; /*Thailand, Kingdom of 泰國*/ ,
&#34;AE&#34; /*United Arab Emirates阿拉伯聯合酋長國*/ ,
&#34;TR&#34; /*Turkey, Republic of土耳其共和國*/ ,
&#34;TM&#34; /*Turkmenistan土庫曼斯坦*/ ,
&#34;UZ&#34; /*Uzbekistan, Republic of烏茲別克斯坦共和國*/ ,
&#34;YE&#34; /*Yemen也門*/)),
array( &#39;name&#39; =&gt; &#39;Europe&#39;,&#39;iso_code_2&#39; =&gt; array(&#34;AL&#34; /*Albania, Republic of阿爾巴尼亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;AD&#34; /*Andorra, Principality of安道​​爾公國的*/ ,
&#34;AZ&#34; /*Azerbaijan, Republic of阿塞拜疆共和國*/ ,
&#34;AT&#34; /*Austria, Republic of奧地利共和國*/ ,
&#34;AM&#34; /*Armenia, Republic of亞美尼亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;BE&#34; /*Belgium, Kingdom of比利時王國*/ ,
&#34;BA&#34; /*Bosnia and Herzegovina波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那*/ ,
&#34;BG&#34; /*Bulgaria, Republic of保加利亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;BY&#34; /*Belarus, Republic of白俄羅斯共和國*/ ,
&#34;HR&#34; /*Croatia, Republic of克羅地亞*/ ,
&#34;CY&#34; /*Cyprus, Republic of塞浦路斯共和國*/ ,
&#34;CZ&#34; /*Czech Republic捷克共和國*/ ,
&#34;DK&#34; /*Denmark, Kingdom of丹麥王國*/ ,
&#34;EE&#34; /*Estonia, Republic of愛沙尼亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;FO&#34; /*Faroe Islands法羅群島*/ ,
&#34;FI&#34; /*Finland, Republic of芬蘭共和國*/ ,
&#34;AX&#34; /*Åland Islands奧蘭群島*/ ,
&#34;FR&#34; /*France, French Republic法國*/ ,
&#34;GE&#34; /*Georgia格魯吉亞*/ ,
&#34;DE&#34; /*Germany, Federal Republic of德意志聯邦共和國*/ ,
&#34;GI&#34; /*Gibraltar直布羅陀*/ ,
&#34;GR&#34; /*Greece, Hellenic Republic希臘*/ ,
&#34;VA&#34; /*Holy See (Vatican City State)羅馬教廷(梵蒂岡城國)*/ ,
&#34;HU&#34; /*Hungary, Republic of匈牙利共和國*/ ,
&#34;IS&#34; /*Iceland, Republic of冰島共和國*/ ,
&#34;IE&#34; /*Ireland愛爾蘭*/ ,
&#34;IT&#34; /*Italy, Italian Republic意大利*/ ,
&#34;KZ&#34; /*Kazakhstan, Republic of哈薩克斯坦共和國*/ ,
&#34;LV&#34; /*Latvia, Republic of拉脫維亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;LI&#34; /*Liechtenstein, Principality of列支敦士登公國的*/ ,
&#34;LT&#34; /*Lithuania, Republic of立陶宛共和國*/ ,
&#34;LU&#34; /*Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of盧森堡大公國*/ ,
&#34;MT&#34; /*Malta, Republic of馬耳他共和國*/ ,
&#34;MC&#34; /*Monaco, Principality of摩納哥公國的*/ ,
&#34;MD&#34; /*Moldova, Republic of摩爾多瓦共和國*/ ,
&#34;ME&#34; /*Montenegro, Republic of黑山共和國*/ ,
&#34;NL&#34; /*Netherlands, Kingdom of the荷蘭王國*/ ,
&#34;NO&#34; /*Norway, Kingdom of挪威王國*/ ,
&#34;PL&#34; /*Poland, Republic of波蘭共和國*/ ,
&#34;PT&#34; /*Portugal, Portuguese Republic葡萄牙*/ ,
&#34;RO&#34; /*Romania羅馬尼亞*/ ,
&#34;RU&#34; /*Russian Federation俄羅斯聯邦*/ ,
&#34;SM&#34; /*San Marino, Republic of聖馬力諾共和國*/ ,
&#34;RS&#34; /*Serbia, Republic of塞爾維亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;SK&#34; /*Slovakia (Slovak Republic)斯洛伐克(斯洛伐克共和國)*/ ,
&#34;SI&#34; /*Slovenia, Republic of斯洛文尼亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;ES&#34; /*Spain, Kingdom of西班牙王國*/ ,
&#34;SJ&#34; /*Svalbard , Jan Mayen Islands斯瓦爾巴群島和揚馬​​延島*/ ,
&#34;SE&#34; /*Sweden, Kingdom of瑞典王國*/ ,
&#34;CH&#34; /*Switzerland, Swiss Confederation瑞士*/ ,
&#34;TR&#34; /*Turkey, Republic of土耳其共和國*/ ,
&#34;UA&#34; /*Ukraine烏克蘭*/ ,
&#34;MK&#34; /*Macedonia, Republic of馬其頓共和國*/ ,
&#34;GB&#34; /*United Kingdom of Great Britain , Northern Ireland大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國*/ ,
&#34;GG&#34; /*Guernsey, Bailiwick of根西島*/ ,
&#34;JE&#34; /*Jersey, Bailiwick of 澤西島*/ ,
&#34;IM&#34; /*Isle of Man馬恩島*/)),
array( &#39;name&#39; =&gt; &#39;North America&#39;,&#39;iso_code_2&#39; =&gt; array(&#34;AG&#34; /*Antigua and Barbuda安提瓜和巴布達*/ ,
&#34;BS&#34; /*Bahamas, Commonwealth of the巴哈馬,英聯邦*/ ,
&#34;BB&#34; /*Barbados巴巴多斯*/ ,
&#34;BM&#34; /*Bermuda百慕大*/ ,
&#34;BZ&#34; /*Belize伯利茲*/ ,
&#34;VG&#34; /*British Virgin Islands英屬維爾京群島*/ ,
&#34;CA&#34; /*Canada加拿大*/ ,
&#34;KY&#34; /*Cayman Islands開曼群島*/ ,
&#34;CR&#34; /*Costa Rica, Republic of哥斯達黎加共和國*/ ,
&#34;CU&#34; /*Cuba, Republic of古巴共和國*/ ,
&#34;DM&#34; /*Dominica, Commonwealth of多米尼加聯邦*/ ,
&#34;DO&#34; /*Dominican Republic多米尼加共和國*/ ,
&#34;SV&#34; /*El Salvador, Republic of薩爾瓦多共和國*/ ,
&#34;GL&#34; /*Greenland格陵蘭*/ ,
&#34;GD&#34; /*Grenada格林納達*/ ,
&#34;GP&#34; /*Guadeloupe瓜德羅普島*/ ,
&#34;GT&#34; /*Guatemala, Republic of危地馬拉共和國*/ ,
&#34;HT&#34; /*Haiti, Republic of海地共和國*/ ,
&#34;HN&#34; /*Honduras, Republic of洪都拉斯共和國*/ ,
&#34;JM&#34; /*Jamaica牙買加*/ ,
&#34;MQ&#34; /*Martinique馬提尼克島*/ ,
&#34;MX&#34; /*Mexico, United Mexican States墨西哥*/ ,
&#34;MS&#34; /*Montserrat蒙特塞拉特*/ ,
&#34;AN&#34; /*Netherlands Antilles荷屬安的列斯*/ ,
&#34;CW&#34; /*Curaçao庫拉索島*/ ,
&#34;AW&#34; /*Aruba阿魯巴*/ ,
&#34;SX&#34; /*Sint Maarten (Netherlands)聖馬丁島(荷蘭)*/ ,
&#34;BQ&#34; /*Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba博內爾島*/ ,
&#34;NI&#34; /*Nicaragua, Republic of尼加拉瓜共和國*/ ,
&#34;UM&#34; /*United States Minor Outlying Islands美國本土外小島嶼*/ ,
&#34;PA&#34; /*Panama, Republic of巴拿馬共和國*/ ,
&#34;PR&#34; /*Puerto Rico, Commonwealth of波多黎各聯邦*/ ,
&#34;BL&#34; /*Saint Barthelemy聖巴泰勒米*/ ,
&#34;KN&#34; /*Saint Kitts and Nevis, Federation of聖基茨和尼維斯聯邦*/ ,
&#34;AI&#34; /*Anguilla安圭拉*/ ,
&#34;LC&#34; /*Saint Lucia聖盧西亞*/ ,
&#34;MF&#34; /*Saint Martin聖馬丁*/ ,
&#34;PM&#34; /*Saint Pierre and Miquelon聖皮埃爾和密克隆*/ ,
&#34;VC&#34; /*Saint Vincent and the Grenadines聖文森特和格林納丁斯*/ ,
&#34;TT&#34; /*Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of特里尼達和多巴哥共和國*/ ,
&#34;TC&#34; /*Turks and Caicos Islands特克斯和凱科斯群島*/ ,
&#34;US&#34; /*United States of America美國美國*/ ,
&#34;VI&#34; /*United States Virgin Islands美屬維爾京群島*/)),
array( &#39;name&#39; =&gt; &#39;Oceania&#39;,&#39;iso_code_2&#39; =&gt; array(&#34;AS&#34; /*American Samoa美屬薩摩亞*/ ,
&#34;AU&#34; /*Australia, Commonwealth of澳大利亞聯邦*/ ,
&#34;SB&#34; /*Solomon Islands所羅門群島*/ ,
&#34;CK&#34; /*Cook Islands庫克群島*/ ,
&#34;FJ&#34; /*Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands斐濟*/ ,
&#34;PF&#34; /*French Polynesia法屬波利尼西亞*/ ,
&#34;KI&#34; /*Kiribati, Republic of基里巴斯共和國*/ ,
&#34;GU&#34; /*Guam關島*/ ,
&#34;NR&#34; /*Nauru, Republic of瑙魯*/ ,
&#34;NC&#34; /*New Caledonia新喀裡多尼亞*/ ,
&#34;VU&#34; /*Vanuatu, Republic of瓦努阿圖共和國*/ ,
&#34;NZ&#34; /*New Zealand新西蘭*/ ,
&#34;NU&#34; /*Niue紐埃*/ ,
&#34;NF&#34; /*Norfolk Island諾福克島*/ ,
&#34;MP&#34; /*Northern Mariana Islands, Commonwealth of the北馬里亞納群島,英聯邦*/ ,
&#34;UM&#34; /*United States Minor Outlying Islands美國本土外小島嶼*/ ,
&#34;FM&#34; /*Micronesia, Federated States of密克羅尼西亞聯邦*/ ,
&#34;MH&#34; /*Marshall Islands, Republic of the馬紹爾群島共和國*/ ,
&#34;PW&#34; /*Palau, Republic of帕勞共和國*/ ,
&#34;PG&#34; /*Papua New Guinea, Independent State of巴布亞新幾內亞獨立國*/ ,
&#34;PN&#34; /*Pitcairn Islands皮特凱恩群島*/ ,
&#34;TK&#34; /*Tokelau托克勞*/ ,
&#34;TO&#34; /*Tonga, Kingdom of湯加王國*/ ,
&#34;TV&#34; /*Tuvalu圖瓦盧*/ ,
&#34;WF&#34; /*Wallis and Futuna瓦利斯群島和富圖納群島*/ ,
&#34;WS&#34; /*Samoa, Independent State of薩摩亞獨立國*/)),
array( &#39;name&#39; =&gt; &#39;South America&#39;,&#39;iso_code_2&#39; =&gt; array(&#34;AR&#34; /*Argentina, Argentine Republic阿根廷*/ ,
&#34;BO&#34; /*Bolivia, Republic of玻利維亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;BR&#34; /*Brazil, Federative Republic of巴西聯邦共和國*/ ,
&#34;CL&#34; /*Chile, Republic of智利共和國*/ ,
&#34;CO&#34; /*Colombia, Republic of哥倫比亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;EC&#34; /*Ecuador, Republic of厄瓜多爾共和國*/ ,
&#34;FK&#34; /*Falkland Islands (Malvinas)福克蘭群島(馬爾維納斯)*/ ,
&#34;GF&#34; /*French Guiana法屬圭亞那*/ ,
&#34;GY&#34; /*Guyana, Co-operative Republic of圭亞那合作共和國*/ ,
&#34;PY&#34; /*Paraguay, Republic of巴拉圭共和國*/ ,
&#34;PE&#34; /*Peru, Republic of秘魯共和國*/ ,
&#34;SR&#34; /*Suriname, Republic of蘇里南共和國*/ ,
&#34;UY&#34; /*Uruguay, Eastern Republic of烏拉圭東岸共和國*/ ,
&#34;VE&#34; /*Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of委內瑞拉玻利瓦爾共和國*/ )),
array( &#39;name&#39; =&gt; &#39;Africa&#39;,&#39;iso_code_2&#39; =&gt; array(
&#34;DZ&#34; /*Algeria, People&#39;s Democratic Republic of阿爾及利亞人民民主共和國*/ ,
&#34;AO&#34; /*Angola, Republic of安哥拉共和國*/ ,
&#34;BW&#34; /*Botswana, Republic of博茨瓦納共和國*/ ,
&#34;BI&#34; /*Burundi, Republic of布隆迪共和國*/ ,
&#34;CM&#34; /*Cameroon, Republic of喀麥隆共和國*/ ,
&#34;CV&#34; /*Cape Verde, Republic of佛得角共和國*/ ,
&#34;CF&#34; /*Central African Republic中非共和國*/ ,
&#34;TD&#34; /*Chad, Republic of乍得共和國*/ ,
&#34;KM&#34; /*Comoros, Union of the科摩羅聯盟*/ ,
&#34;YT&#34; /*Mayotte馬約特島*/ ,
&#34;CG&#34; /*Congo, Republic of the剛果共和國*/ ,
&#34;CD&#34; /*Congo, Democratic Republic of the剛果民主共和國*/ ,
&#34;BJ&#34; /*Benin, Republic of貝寧共和國*/ ,
&#34;GQ&#34; /*Equatorial Guinea, Republic of赤道幾內亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;ET&#34; /*Ethiopia, Federal Democratic Republic of埃塞俄比亞聯邦民主共和國*/ ,
&#34;ER&#34; /*Eritrea, State of厄立特里亞國家*/ ,
&#34;DJ&#34; /*Djibouti, Republic of吉布提共和國*/ ,
&#34;GA&#34; /*Gabon, Gabonese Republic加蓬*/ ,
&#34;GM&#34; /*Gambia, Republic of the岡比亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;GH&#34; /*Ghana, Republic of加納共和國*/ ,
&#34;GN&#34; /*Guinea, Republic of幾內亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;CI&#34; /*Cote d&#39;Ivoire, Republic of科特迪瓦共和國*/ ,
&#34;KE&#34; /*Kenya, Republic of肯尼亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;LS&#34; /*Lesotho, Kingdom of萊索托王國*/ ,
&#34;LR&#34; /*Liberia, Republic of利比里亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;LY&#34; /*Libyan Arab Jamahiriya阿拉伯利比亞民眾國*/ ,
&#34;MG&#34; /*Madagascar, Republic of馬達加斯加共和國*/ ,
&#34;MW&#34; /*Malawi, Republic of馬拉維共和國*/ ,
&#34;ML&#34; /*Mali, Republic of馬里共和國*/ ,
&#34;MR&#34; /*Mauritania, Islamic Republic of毛里塔尼亞伊斯蘭共和國*/ ,
&#34;MU&#34; /*Mauritius, Republic of毛里求斯共和國*/ ,
&#34;MA&#34; /*Morocco, Kingdom of摩洛哥王國*/ ,
&#34;MZ&#34; /*Mozambique, Republic of莫桑比克共和國*/ ,
&#34;NA&#34; /*Namibia, Republic of納米比亞共和國*/ ,
&#34;NE&#34; /*Niger, Republic of尼日爾共和國*/ ,
&#34;NG&#34; /*Nigeria, Federal Republic of尼日利亞聯邦共和國*/ ,
&#34;GW&#34; /*Guinea-Bissau, Republic of幾內亞比紹共和國*/ ,
&#34;RE&#34; /*Reunion留尼旺島*/ ,
&#34;RW&#34; /*Rwanda, Republic of盧旺達共和國*/ ,
&#34;SH&#34; /*Saint Helena聖赫勒拿*/ ,
&#34;ST&#34; /*Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of聖多美與普林西比民主共和國*/ ,
&#34;SN&#34; /*Senegal, Republic of塞內加爾共和國*/ ,
&#34;SC&#34; /*Seychelles, Republic of塞舌爾共和國*/ ,
&#34;SL&#34; /*Sierra Leone, Republic of塞拉利昂共和國*/ ,
&#34;SO&#34; /*Somalia, Somali Republic索馬里*/ ,
&#34;ZA&#34; /*South Africa, Republic of南非共和國*/ ,
&#34;ZW&#34; /*Zimbabwe, Republic of津巴布韋共和國*/ ,
&#34;SS&#34; /*South Sudan南蘇丹*/ ,
&#34;EH&#34; /*Western Sahara西撒哈拉*/ ,
&#34;SD&#34; /*Sudan, Republic of蘇丹共和國*/ ,
&#34;SZ&#34; /*Swaziland, Kingdom of斯威士蘭王國*/ ,
&#34;TG&#34; /*Togo, Togolese Republic多哥*/ ,
&#34;TN&#34; /*Tunisia, Tunisian Republic突尼斯*/ ,
&#34;UG&#34; /*Uganda, Republic of烏干達共和國*/ ,
&#34;EG&#34; /*Egypt, Arab Republic of埃及*/ ,
&#34;TZ&#34; /*Tanzania, United Republic of坦桑尼亞聯合共和國*/ ,
&#34;BF&#34; /*Burkina Faso布基納法索*/ ,
&#34;ZM&#34; /*Zambia, Republic of贊比亞共和國*/)),
array( &#39;name&#39; =&gt; &#39;Antarctica&#39;,&#39;iso_code_2&#39; =&gt; array(
&#34;AQ&#34; /*Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S)南極洲*/ ,
&#34;BV&#34; /*Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya)布維島*/ ,
&#34;GS&#34; /*South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands南喬治亞島和南桑威奇群島*/ ,
&#34;TF&#34; /*French Southern Territories法國南部領土*/ ,
&#34;HM&#34; /*Heard Island and McDonald Islands赫德島和麥當勞群島*/ )));
              &lt;?php foreach ($countries_sort_by_continent as $continent_name) {  ?&gt;
          &lt;optgroup label=&#34;&lt;?php echo $continent_name[&#39;name&#39;]; ?&gt;&#34;&gt;
          &lt;?php foreach ($countries as $country) { 
          if (in_array($country[&#39;iso_code_2&#39;],$continent_name[&#39;iso_code_2&#39;])) { ?&gt;
              &lt;option value=&#34;&lt;?php echo $country[&#39;country_id&#39;]; ?&gt;&#34;&lt;?php if ($country[&#39;country_id&#39;] == $country_id) { ?&gt; selected=&#34;selected&#34;&lt;?php } ?&gt;
              style=&#34;background: url(&#39;image/flags/&lt;?php echo strtolower($country[&#39;iso_code_2&#39;]); ?&gt;.png&#39;) center right no-repeat;&#34;&gt;&lt;?php echo $country[&#39;name&#39;]; ?&gt;&lt;/option&gt;
              &lt;?php } } ?&gt;
              &lt;?php } ?&gt;
       &lt;option value=&#34;236&#34;&gt;Other Area&lt;/option&gt;
       &lt;?php if (false) { ?&gt;]]&gt;&lt;/add&gt;
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